What is HSV and its treatment?
One may hear that many people suffered with herpes on their lips as of infection, fever and ulcer. These are typically coming to people by the virus called HSV which called as Herpes simplex Virus. There are two types of herpes are obtainable, and it known as HSV-1 and HSV-2 etc. Primarily the infection may enter into one body through the break on the skin around the inside or outside mouth. When sharing the food, drink with the person who pretentious by these diseases will spread into someone body. It causes dissimilar symptoms and disease based on the germ type. Once someone gets infected with herpes then it never leaves their body it will show up on sometimes on your body. The cold sore in men is usually present in both types called oral and genital. Usually this cold sore infection easily spread to one and anyone can easily get affected by this virus. By simply exchanging the cup or spoon with an infected person, the cold sore will easily get into your body. Sometimes the di...