Natural Treatment for herpes that you need to know!
More than 24 people in USA are infecte d with HSV-2 type virus.Can herpes be treated at home? Well, yes! Here are the top 5 natural herpes treatment and remedies for the outbreak. Let us have a look at some of the HSV Cure USA natural homemade remedies. Olive Oil Olive oil is known as an excellent moisturizer for skin with its rich antioxidants andis one of the best remedies for herpes. Heat a cup of olive oilin a pot and add some drops of lavender oil and beeswax in it; and then, cool the mixture until it comes to room temperature. Then, apply the mixture in the affected area as medicine. Ice Pack The simplest method to cure herpes is using ice, which provides immense relief from pain. Crush some ice and fill it in an ice bag and place the bag in a thick cloth. Then, place this cloth with the ice bag on the sores for 10-15 minutes to get rid of the swelling and itching. Repeat the method multiple times a day and make sure it is not to keep too long, as it can da...